2 Sounds To Listen For When Trying To Determine If Your Car's Air Conditioner Is Getting Ready To Break Down

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2 Sounds To Listen For When Trying To Determine If Your Car's Air Conditioner Is Getting Ready To Break Down

14 April 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Especially with hot weather quickly approaching, you do not want to find yourself without air conditioning in your vehicle. While some issues are easily recognizable, such as warm air coming from the vents because the refrigerant is low, there are some issues that seem to creep up on you.

If you do not want to have the AC in your car break down unexpectedly, there are some early warning signs that should alert you that it needs to be fixed. Below are a couple of sounds you should listen for when trying to determine if your car's air conditioner is getting ready to break down.

1. You Hear a Loud, Continuous Squeaking Noise Whenever the Air Conditioner Is Running

One sound that you should listen for when trying to determine if your car's AC is starting to fail is a loud, continuous squeaking noise. You will hear this noise as soon as the air conditioner kicks on, and it usually will not stop until the system turns off.

If you are hearing this noise, the belt that powers the AC system may be stretched and getting ready to break. It could also be a sign that the compressor is getting ready to break down. Either way, you will need a professional to find the cause of the noise and make the necessary repairs.

2. You Notice a Delay in or Absence of a Faint Thumping Noise When You Try to Turn Your Car's AC On

Another sound that you should listen for when your air conditioner kicks on is a faint thumping noise. Unlike the squeaking sound, the thump should be heard whenever you flip the switch and before the compressor turns on.

If the thump is absent or there is a delay, this usually indicates a problem with the air conditioner's vacuum system that engages the compressor. The lines may need to be readjusted or replaced by a repair technician to keep your car's AC from breaking down completely.

When trying to determine whether your car's air conditioner is failing, listen closely to see what sounds you hear or do not hear. If you hear a loud squeaking noise while the compressor is running or notice a delay or absence of a faint thump when turning it on, there is an issue with the AC that needs to be addressed before it breaks down. Contact a shop that offers car air conditioning services to learn more.