About Me
Deciding Between Car Dealers

When it comes to buying a car, choosing the right make and model is one thing, and finding the right car dealer is another thing altogether. A few years ago, I purchased a car from one of my cousin's dealerships, and I absolutely loved the quality of service that they offered. I am here to tell you what your car dealership can do for you, so that you know how you want to be treated as you shop. If you really care about saving money and working with nice, intelligent dealers, check out this blog for tips on how to make your shopping experience productive.


4 Ways To Maximize Your Vehicle’s Off-Road Performance

6 April 2018
 Categories: , Blog

If you love driving but you want to take your adventuring to the next level, it's time to steer your vehicle off the pavement and out into the wild. Driving off-road can be an adrenaline-filled joyride that forces you to develop your driving skills, technique, and even your courage. But is your rig ready for the wilderness? Here are four ways you can improve your vehicle's performance off the road and out on the trail. Read More …

Top 4 Questions To Ask An Auto Shop About Repairs On Your BMW

23 February 2018
 Categories: , Blog

When your BMW is having mechanical issues or needs body work, you don't want to trust just any auto shop with the repairs. Specifically, you'll want to find an auto shop or dealership that specializes in BMW service. After all, BMWs are a unique breed of vehicle. As you're shopping around for the right professional to trust with your repairs, there are a few questions worth asking. Will You Order Original Manufacturer's Parts? Read More …