Deciding Between Car Dealers

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Deciding Between Car Dealers

When it comes to buying a car, choosing the right make and model is one thing, and finding the right car dealer is another thing altogether. A few years ago, I purchased a car from one of my cousin's dealerships, and I absolutely loved the quality of service that they offered. I am here to tell you what your car dealership can do for you, so that you know how you want to be treated as you shop. If you really care about saving money and working with nice, intelligent dealers, check out this blog for tips on how to make your shopping experience productive.


It’s Time to Disable That Old Car Alarm – Here Are Some Alternatives

1 March 2017
 Categories: , Blog

If you have an older luxury car that still runs well, such as a Mercedes, you might have no plans to replace it yet. That's fine, but that doesn't mean you have to keep all of the outdated features. For example, if your car has a typical car alarm, the type that lets out a series of wails and sirens when it's been triggered, you can have a repair shop disable that and install a much better anti-theft system. Read More …

4 RV Features that Are Ideal for Traveling Sports Families

21 April 2016
 Categories: , Articles

When children advance in sports, it seems like the trips get further and further away. Instead of crowding the family vehicle, you can choose to purchase an RV instead. An RV provides plenty of space for families and makes it easier to enjoy all of the traveling games. As you shop for an RV, there are four features to look for. Each of these features caters specifically to your family and the world of sports. Read More …

Three Ways To Pay For Large Auto Repairs

11 April 2016
 Categories: , Articles

When you are driving, unexpected lights coming on in your dashboard, odd noises, weird smells, and strange steering sensations may all be reasons to get a sick feeling in the pit of your stomach. While these automotive symptoms may turn out to be something simple, they can also turn out to be indicators of a serious problem with your vehicle. With the average automotive labor rate ranging from$50 - $150 depending on where you live, a trip to your auto repair shop can result in a large repair bill. Read More …

Simple Solutions To Prepare Your Car For A Sizzling Summer Road Trip

4 April 2016
 Categories: , Articles

From a long weekend at the beach to a complete family vacation at a favorite theme park, summer is the perfect time to have some fun and relax. Unfortunately, flying to your destination may not be financially feasible or truly necessary, so you may be part of the large percentage of people driving to their summer vacation spots.  Considering you may be part of the 65 percent of people likely to take a road trip this summer, ensuring your car is ready for the long hours on the road is smart. Read More …

After A Fender Bender: Steps To Take After A Minor Accident

14 March 2016
 Categories: , Articles

Owning and operating a vehicle can be overwhelming due to all the different tasks necessary to maintain its value and appeal. Unfortunately, you can never truly prepare you and your vehicle for an accident. While surprising to hear, an estimated 13 percent of accidents occur in parking lots. These fender benders may be minor, but they can damage your vehicle's body and create underlying issues. Fortunately, placing immediate importance on these minor accidents can prevent insurance rate increases and costly repairs. Read More …