
About Me
Deciding Between Car Dealers

When it comes to buying a car, choosing the right make and model is one thing, and finding the right car dealer is another thing altogether. A few years ago, I purchased a car from one of my cousin's dealerships, and I absolutely loved the quality of service that they offered. I am here to tell you what your car dealership can do for you, so that you know how you want to be treated as you shop. If you really care about saving money and working with nice, intelligent dealers, check out this blog for tips on how to make your shopping experience productive.


Three Benefits to Getting a Free Brake Inspection

25 April 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Because you and your family travel in your car, you want to make sure that it is as safe as possible. There are a lot of safety features that make up your car, but probably the most important one is your brake system. Without good brakes, your car isn't going to slow down when it should or stop as crisply as it could. There are a lot of things that you can do to make sure that your brakes are in good shape, but one of the easiest things you can do is to visit an auto shop that will do free brake inspections for you. Read More …

Got A New BMW? 2 Problems You May Have In The Future

18 March 2019
 Categories: , Blog

If you have a new BMW, you can expect it to run well for you for a long time. You still need to be aware of problems that may come up, especially once the car gets some age on it. Below are two of these problems so you can be prepared when they happen. Vibrating Steering Wheel When Breaks Applied If you notice the steering wheel vibrates on your BMW when you apply the brakes, this can be a dangerous problem. Read More …

4 Tips To Keep Your Audi In Great Shape

10 February 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Audi vehicles are the product of great German engineering. Audi owners and enthusiasts love the blend of luxury and functionality they receive from these cars. However, like any car, Audis need to be maintained so they can retain their value and perform at peak efficiency. Here are four tips to keep your Audi in great shape: 1. Wash your car. Washing your Audi can keep it looking pristine, but aesthetics aren't the only reason to visit the car wash. Read More …

Common Auto Glass Problems You Might Have To Address

11 December 2018
 Categories: , Blog

When car owners think of problems that could arise with their automobile's glass, they may focus most of their attention on the risk of the glass shattering. This can be the most serious damage that your car's windows could experience, but it is not the only problem. In fact, most of the problems that your car's windows will experience are fairly routine and simple to repair. Moisture Leaking Around The Edges Of The Glass Read More …

Ensure Your Vehicle Can Pass Its Inspection

6 November 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Failing a state inspection is never a good thing. Not only are you forced to submit your car to an inspection a second time, but if it's near the time your registration is due, your car's registration could even expire. You can avoid the scenario altogether if you know what to do. Discover some steps you can take to all but guarantee that your car passes inspection. Damaged Wiper Blades Read More …